Less than 100 days now until the final day of voting will be upon us,November 3rd. Will America send Donald Trump back to The White House or send him packing?
Charles Owens: Well basically you and I both know if somebody went around it campaign for tax hikes probably wouldn't get a lot of interest from citizens and businesses and others so instead they put out front that they're out there to reform lobbying laws in Michigan you know those evil grubby lobbyists you know we're going to open how much should a college meals they can buy for lawmakers and they have to disclose who they talk to.
Steve Gruber: Well let me ask you this, if Adam Schiff directs witnesses to not answer questions and so forth. At least that will be on camera and we will be able to see. At least I hope we will be able to see it.
Here's an interview I had with Judicial Watch in 2014! Take a listen. We should be concerned about the border.
The government watchdog organization Judicial Watch has uncovered an ISIS training camp in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, set up with the assistance of Juarez cartels just 8 miles from the US border for the purpose smuggling militant Islamists into the United States...
Governor Snyder announces his candidacy for US President on the Steve Gruber Show! Well, not really, but he very carefully didn't deny it, and hinted at a bid for the nomination. Although he said his primary concern was his role as Governor and the passing of Michigan Proposal 1 of 2015, when asked about a bid for the Presidency, he didn't deny, and said if he were to announce, look for that annou
Chris Farrell, Director of Research at Judicial Watch joins Steve Gruber for a second time to discuss the ISIS camp recently raided (on Friday, April 10, 2015). Mr. Farrell says that a special investigatory group from the FBI has met at the US Consulate in Ciudad Juárez to discuss the camp and did not invite DHS officials to the meeting...
The first half of this episode of Steve Gruber's Weekend Edition is dedicated to the growing story revolving around Planet Fitness and their policy towards transgendered people. Women's rights activist Cathy Brennan from Gender Identity Watch says that these policies put women and children at risk...
Host Steve Gruber takes a look at the Democrat Party to start this Weekend Edition. Democratic Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez has more than once spoken out against the Obama Administration on issues of immigration and executive action...
This week's show is full of passion as Gruber delves into the identity of "Jihadi John," a British citizen who has been featured in numerous ISIS execution films. MI5 earns a harsh critique from Steve as they let him come and go as he pleased despite questionable ties...
In this episode's first segment Steve talks weather. With record lows reported across the state this week, it's hard to believe that man-made climate destruction is leading to global warming. The Great Lakes are freezing to depths that will likely result in flooding, all as the alarmists warn that snow will soon be a thing of the past...