Steve Gruber, The Anonymous author of the infamous New York Times op-ed from last year
Its Tuesday and time to get rolling—first of all what are you thankful for—Give it some thought—I am Steve Gruber—God Bless America—This is the Steve Gruber Show!
And here are 3 Big Things you need to know right now!
Number 3— The New York Times seems awfully interested in the goings on of a man that owns a Billion Dollar empire built on Styrofoam and red plastic—or more accurately—Red Solo Cups—it seems he is buying big chunks of The Cayman Islands—
Number 2— New Studies show that if Elizabeth Warren had her way with Medicare for all—it would bankrupt the United States in short order—don’t forget we are already up to our eyeballs in debt—and that one would put us over the edge—
Number 1— The Anonymous author of the infamous New York Times op-ed from last year—and the soon to be released book titled Warning—is anonymous no more! It seems when called out on it by Trace Gallagher of Fox News the mid level administration cockroach fumbled the answer—and now it seems pretty clear another one has been caught in the light
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