Steve Gruber, Widespread voter fraud is being identified in states all across the country
Here are Three Big Things you need to know right now.
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is no fan of President Trump, but despite that he is defending the President on the terrible idea of defunding police departments in fact he calls it the worst idea ever!
The search for the source of leaked emails from Wikileaks. The problems with Russia Gate and much more will be front and center again today as controversial former National Security Administration Tech expert Bill Binney is holding a press event later today. He will also join me here in a few minutes to explain.
Widespread voter fraud is being identified in states all across the country. Problems are surfacing with mail in ballots including the ballots piling up on the floor. Ballots being counted for people who never voted and a memo from the United States Postal Service warning of failures in the ability to deliver ballots on time!
Is a vaccine close at hand? Pfizer seems to have the hot hand but it is not alone in the race to develop a vaccine.

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