Steve Gruber: Nicki Haley comes out strong for President Trump and nails two former high ranking Administration officials to the wall
Welcome to BIG WHITE MONDAY. I’m Steve Gruber—God bless America—this is the Steve Gruber Show.
Here are 3 BIG Things you need to know:
Three—The Auto No Fault Reality Tour continues this week with stories of survivors, providers and all the people affected by the massive changes to Michigan’s car insurance laws that take full effect next July.
Two—Don’t worry too much about Global Warming because it won’t be affecting you today. However, the massive winter storm and snow event spreading across the state right now—either has already or will impact your day.
And Number One—Nicki Haley comes out strong for President Trump and nails two former high ranking Administration officials to the wall. She says there were people at the highest levels of government—appointed by the President—trying to destroy him and his Presidency from the inside.