
Potential Scholarship for High School Football Players
Potential Scholarship for High School Football Players
Potential Scholarship for High School Football Players
2020 and Covid robbed us of a lot of things. Being together, concerts, movies, vacations. It hurt us in many ways but especially socially. And it took away many rites of passage. Especially with kids and school. Graduations, proms, and sports...
Steve Gruber, Unlock Michigan has rolled past 400,000 signatures
Steve Gruber, Unlock Michigan has rolled past 400,000 signatures
Steve Gruber, Unlock Michigan has rolled past 400,000 signatures
Unlock Michigan has rolled past 400,000 signatures, which means the citizens of Michigan will likely remove from Governor Whitmer the unfettered power of continuing to run the state by her iron fist. The group only needed 340,000 signatures and therefore is already in safe territory and rolling fast.

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