Steve Gruber: The Supreme Court will soon weigh in on several high profile and high impact cases
Here's what you need to know right now.
The Supreme Court will soon weigh in on several high profile and high impact cases, and each one could trigger riots in the streets. Is the left winning or is the rest of America about to stand up and fight back?
Surprise! Covid-19 really doesn’t spread much—if AT ALL—from those with no symptoms. In fact, the World Health Organization now says spreading from asymptomatic carriers is VERY RARE! Wow, so pretty much everything you were told is wrong!
The mindless push to defund and even dismantle police departments all over America is actually occupying time in peoples lives. Normally rational people aren't really spending time discussing an un-serious demand from far left radicals. BUT now Joe Biden and other leading Democrats must answer the question—DO YOU SUPPORT DEFUNDING AND DISMANTLING POLICE DEPARTMENTS???
The United States has now formally asked the British Government to interview Prince Andrew for his role and his knowledge in the ongoing sexual crimes of the late Jeffrey Epstein. The only thing the Prince knows for sure is EPSTEIN DID NOT KILL HIMSELF!
The nation of New Zealand is now Covid-19 FREE. There is not one case left in the gorgeous nation, and not one chance any of us will be allowed to go there any time soon. I would expect that door to remain closed and locked for a while. I mean what would you do?
Meanwhile, at the White House President Trump was hosting law enforcement professionals from all over the nation discussing what can be done better in the wake of the death of George Floyd and several other high profile cases. One thing for sure, however, is that The President does not support the half wit half baked notion of dismantling police departments around the country
John Bolton will be the next former Trump Administration official trying to cash in at the expense of the President, and more accurately the expense of the rest of us. I mean let's be honest, the whole nation suffers from these tell all books.
A Circuit Court Judge in Shiawassee County slammed the door on Governor Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel for the second time in just a couple of days and ordered the state to stop trying to hold Karl Manke in contempt of court. America’s Barber prevails again!
The State Board of Canvassers approved language for a recall effort aimed at Governor Whitmer, but it is not a serious undertaking. In fact, the man behind the effort has a history of strange threats, recalls and run ins with the law. So when the recall fails—as it will—it is meaningless. BUT the Governor and her followers will call it a huge win.

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