Michigan Governor Considers A 4-Day Work Week & 3-Day Weekend
"Dear Governor" That is how the questions begin. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer considers many topics from her constituents.
One of the writers asks if she ever gets overwhelmed by her job. Whitmer answers by saying that from time to time everyone gets overwhelmed especially during a pandemic.
But it was Aria who made the biggest impression. She asked the Governor to consider shortening the work week and lengthening the weekend. Many viewers agreed with the direction Aria was taking.
Taffanie871 commented,
"Vote for Aria!!"
Madison agreed,
"Aria asked for what we all want!"
Mitchell is already campaigning for Aria. He said,
"Aria 2056!"
These letters were written by school-aged children. But...
What Does A 4-Day Work Week Look Like?
Businesses would likely be open earlier and to remain open later, making them more available for working customers because of longer business hours.
A study conducted by a New Zealand business confirmed a 4-day work week is more productive than a 5-day work week. The shorter week increased employee engagement.
Not only does a 4 day work week increase employee satisfaction, company commitment, and teamwork, but it also decreases stress levels and a companies carbon footprint.
What Is A 4/10 Schedule?
A 4/10 work schedule is a compressed schedule where employees work four 10-hour days within a week rather than five eight-hour days. While most workplaces using a 4/10 schedule opt to have their employees work Monday through Thursday with Friday through Sunday off, some prefer to give their employees a day off in the middle of the week.
Will A 4-Day Work Week Ever Happen?
According to changerecruitmentgroup.com, A 4-day work week may seem like a radical idea, but we’ve gradually reduced the number of hours worked within a typical work week since the late 19th century.
In 1890, the United States government estimated that a full-time employee within a manufacturing plant worked an average of 100 hours a week. By the mid-20th century, manufacturing employees only worked 40 hours a week. Reducing our current work week to 28 hours isn’t nearly as radical.
As we've recently seen, remote work strengthens this argument. The addition of AI technology also helps.

How Has Michigan Contributed To Our Current 5 Day Work Week?
In 1908, the first five-day workweek in the United States was instituted by a New England cotton mill so that Jewish workers would not have to work on the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
In 1926, Henry Ford began shutting down his automotive factories for all of Saturday and Sunday. In 1929, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Union was the first union to demand and receive a five-day workweek.
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