Goodbye Fall Hello Winter
If you were thinking ‘this is awfully early for this much snow’, well you’re are exactly right. In fact, this is a huge amount of snow for the first half of November.
According to NOAA the first measurable snowfall of any kind which is one tenth of an inch of snow arrives around November 7th each year. That happened a few days ago already.
One inch of snow or more should arrive on average around November 21 st each year. So, we are 10 days ahead of a one-inch snow event but this storm dropped a lot more than that as you know.
The first average snowstorm dropping 3 inches on the ground doesn’t arrive on average in the Lansing area until December 15th.
So, the last time I checked the snow depth in my yard it was up to 6 and a half inches. By the way its still snowing as of this moment. So, yes this is a lot of snow to have so early.
It makes me wonder about all those stories about snow becoming a rare event because of Climate Change. In fact, as I was shoveling the driveway and sidewalk for the second time today it made me think snow will be neither rare nor interesting this winter. Several other adjectives come to mind but I cannot really share them here.
Relax and Snow On!