If you feel like allergy season starts earlier and earlier in Michigan every year, you're not wrong. A new study confirms, it's only going to get worse.
That's correct. So if you talk to Citizens or government legislators or environmentalist or whoever and say, you know, what's the rationale behind your belief and climate change? JH they will inevitably site one or more of those four reasons.
It makes me wonder about all those stories about snow becoming a rare event because of Climate Change. In fact, as I was shoveling the driveway and sidewalk for the second time today it made me think snow will be neither rare nor interesting this winter. Several other adjectives come to mind but I cannot really share them here.
Did he or didn't he say Islamist terrorist?
By the way is it Islamic terrorism or man-caused disaster?
Illegal alien or undocumented person?
Global warming or Climate Change?
Criminals or justice-involved youth?
Words and their definition really matter and when people attempt to change their meaning, be ready for their con...
Apparently, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Democratic Party are now looking to go after and further regulate your backyard barbecue.
I just read an article in The Washington Examiner explaining how the EPA is looking to protect the world from the grease drippings when you barbecue...
In this episode's first segment Steve talks weather. With record lows reported across the state this week, it's hard to believe that man-made climate destruction is leading to global warming. The Great Lakes are freezing to depths that will likely result in flooding, all as the alarmists warn that snow will soon be a thing of the past...