Steve Gruber: The State of Our Union is Strong
It’s time to explain how to run an election. It’s part of what I do. I’m Steve Gruber—God bless America—this is The Steve Gruber Show Wednesday February 5th 2020.
Here are 3 big things you need to know:
Number 3—The end of the impeachment fiasco will finally come today, but it will be a brief respite. Don’t worry, the Democrats will soon have a new fantasy that will be gobbled up by TV Trolls praying to bring down President Trump.
Number 2—In Iowa the numbers finally started coming out, but the death of Iowa as an important stop for campaigns has been an ugly thing to watch. Democrats spent 3 years trying to make sure it was perfect. Mayor Pete spent a pile of money with the same company—hmmmm.
Number 1—The State of our Union is strong. With the end of the impeachment nonsense close at hand, President Trump took his time to lay out what a great country we live in—and what promises lie ahead for this nation. And his optimism is infectious.
President Trump also recognized Rush Limbaugh with the Congressional Medal of Freedom one day after he announced he has advanced lung cancer.

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