Steve Gruber: In Minneapolis the National Guard is on the way
Live from The No Panic Zone, here's what you need to know on FRIDAY MAY 29th 2020.
In Minneapolis, the National Guard is on the way to settle down the rioting that erupted in the wake of the death of George Floyd while in police custody. So far, at least one man has been killed and millions of dollars in damage has resulted from rioting there.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now BLAMING the nursing homes for following his reckless orders that sent Covid-19 positive patients to those long term care facilities—costing thousands of lives. Michigan and New Jersey did the same thing.
President Trump has laid down the gauntlet to Social Media giants when it comes to censorship—and fooling with the First Amendment of the US Constitution. You see if you control the way people communicate and you start fooling with it, you are bound to lose a whole lot of your advantages. It appears Mark gets that but Jack does not!
The Democrats are continuing to melt down over the pace and the intensity with which President Trump and Mitch McConnell are filling vacancies in Federal Courts. The left says the courts have been captured. Can you imagine the fear that the rule of law will prevail?
In Florida, despite the ridiculous assertions that there would be people dying in the streets from Coronavirus for opening up too soon, that is not the case at all. In fact, Governor Ron DeSantis has put on a clinic on how to run a state in the middle of a Pandemic—and get it right every single step of the way.
The full court push by the Democrats to get mail in voting in place before November should tell you everything you need to know about what they are actually focused on. They scream about the pandemic and testing and other nonsense, but they are only focused on what will benefit them and their hold on power.
The breaking point is very near for those who are still locked out of their businesses and their jobs. There is only so much that can be taken from them before they say—no more—we are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!
Members of Legally Armed in Detroit took to the steps of The State Capital to say they are no longer going to sit by while black men are killed by police, but despite claims from the left, the heavily armed militia types had no issue with anyone during the protest.
The disastrous Executive Order by Big Gretch to force those sick with Coronavirus into nursing homes—even though those facilities were not equipped to deal with the flood of patients. The information is now spilling out and a reckoning for Big Gretch is coming.

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