Ron Rademacher, Around Michigan
Ron Rademacher is a Travel Writer, Author, Speaker, Story Teller, and a Guy, Who Holds The Record For Getting Lost On The Back Roads Of Michigan. Listen to the interview this morning to hear what's going on around Michigan.
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In the Upper Peninsula, You can walk a trail used by Native Americans for more than 1500 years ago. It was formed by voyagers portaging around the whitewater rapids on the Menominee River at Piers Gorge. Ancient rice gardens were maintained at Lac Vieux Desert, and additional gardens were kept at Menominee where the river emptied into Lake Michigan. Between those two, the rapids at Piers Gorge were a formidable obstacle. The trail formed by hundreds of years of portaging is still there and is now maintained by the DNR. Today it is a gentle trail providing access to white water rapids that reach category 5 during the spring melt.