Dems Hope For Obstruction Fades
Former FBI Director testified today that President Trump said to him on February 14, 2017 that “he hoped” that the FBI “could move beyond” it’s investigation into the actions of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Flynn had been fired the day before. Trump also told Comey, according to his sworn testimony that Trump called Flynn “a good guy” and that he agreed and repeated the comment.
Trump and Comey had several more conversations before the President ultimately fired him on May 9, 2017. Comey testified that the topic of Flynn and his investigation never came up again. Comey also told Senators under oath that Trump never asked him to stop or change the ongoing investigation into Russian interference into the US election and in fact said Trump thought catching those doing wrong “even satellites” would be a good thing.
So I am with Alan Dershowitz in asking where is the issue? Not just where is the crime because clearly there isn’t one here but what is the issue at all? We are going through all of this because the President said he hoped his friend might catch a break?
According to the website obstruction of justice, even when sought with a wide berth is hard to achieve in many cases. Here is what the website says on the issue of Federal Obstruction of Justice: “The obstruction of justice statute applies to any conduct that affects the “due administration of justice.” As such, this type of obstruction is very broad. The statute prohibits any activity that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
That said, it isn’t here not even much smoke on this one.