Will She Ever Give Up Her Total Control Of Michigan; Whitmer Extends Her State Of Emergency Until October 1st
It happened with very little fanfare or news which begs the question; does anyone even care anymore? Last Thursday Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-177 which extended her state of emergency over Michigan until at least October 1st. That will give her total control over the state, since her party refuses to pass veto-proof bills, for 7 months and counting. Whitmer first declared her power over the entire state back on a March 10th and this new executive order will give her control over Michigan for 210 days and counting.
In her statement attached to her order Whitmer stated:
"By extending the state of emergency, we can continue the crucial work needed to save lives...Since March, I have been committed to using every tool at my disposal to protect families, front-line workers, and our economy from the threat of COVID-19. I urge Michiganders to do their part by wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing and staying safe and smart."
Search out and find the Unlock Michigan petition campaign so we can give the power over our state back to our elected politicians in the House and the Senate. Obviously the elected Democrats in the state House and Senate do not believe they are capable of helping run this state during the pandemic but the Republicans do know they can.
How long will Whitmer keep control over Michigan unless the Unlock Michigan petition campaign is successful?
Only God and her magic eight ball know.