Trump Critics Cause And Effect
It really doesn’t matter what the conversation is and it really doesn’t matter what President Trump says about anything. The result is always the same. The media goes berserk with its relentless attack using Trump as a punching bag for all their anger over him being in the White House in the first place.
Trump has put together the best economic numbers in a very long time. Unemployment is down, real economic expansion is occurring, Wall Street is on a hot streak, and of course tax cuts are now reaching working people all over America. This is the Trump economy but make no mistake the media and his critics are having no part of it. They are obsessed with whether or not he called Third World countries what many agree is an accurate assessment. The more distractions the better for the media when it comes to covering the President. They are working overtime to get Nancy Pelosi back in the Speakers chair.
The problem is they may or may not get their wish. You see, from what I keep hearing, the more the press and Democrats attack Trump the stronger his support is from those that voted for him in 2016. Ask yourself this; how many people you know voted for Trump have said they wish they hadn’t? I talk to a lot of people every day and I am yet to find one Trump voter who isn’t happy with their vote. In fact, I hear more enthusiasm for him every time he delivers one of his brutally blunt, but awkwardly offensive comments. People seem to find freshness to his no holds barred approach.
So, before you write off the Republicans chances of holding on to the House and Senate, remember these same media people openly campaigned against Trump and told you he had no chance of winning.