Protesters and “Gay Frog” Donuts Meet at Strange Matter Coffee in Lansing
When we say this week has been a whirlwind that has left us saying "wait...what?" more than we ever have before, it's only appropriate we finish it out like this.
In what we can only describe as a storyline straight out of the hit TV show "Parks and Recreation", Lansing's Strange Matter Coffee is clapping back at folks who wish to cancel them in the form of "Gay Frog" donuts.
Strange Matter Coffee's Part in Recent Lansing Brewing Company Controversy
If you've been following the story surrounding the "MAGA Mixer" that was supposed to take place at Lansing Brewing Company, you may know that there was some public outcry over it that got many people talking, debating, calling each other names, etc.
See Related: Upcoming MAGA Mixer at Lansing Brewing Co. Brews Up Criticism
Strange Matter Coffee is one of those who made their voices heard over the matter and were not shy about it:
As mentioned in Strange Matter's Tweet above, Lansing Brewing Company did end backing out of being the hosting venue for the mixer and that, too, got people talking.
See Related: Lansing Brewing Company Backs Out of Being Venue for MAGA Mixer
In the midst of the debate, those frustrated the event was cancelled turned their anger to Strange Matter Coffee...and didn't stop there.
Calls to "Cancel" Strange Matter Coffee
We've been closely monitoring the comment section of our social media pages since posting our reporting on this whole debacle and, while its a lot of comments to sift through, some on both sides were calling to cancel Lansing Brewing Company.
First, the ones who opposed LBC hosting the MAGA mixer were the ones saying they will never return, then it was the folks who were not happy they chose to cancel as it showed them they were taking sides.
Then, though, people in our comments were also calling to cancel Strange Matter Coffee as they were a fellow business that called on boycotting another.
That idea was also reflected in another Michigan reporter's opinion piece on the situation:
Strange Matter Coffee's Response? Gay Frog Donuts
In situations like this, you've got to use the resources available to you and while Strange Matter Coffee had already used their social media to respond, they thought of a different, more edible way.
As the reporter in the tweet above questioned if Strange Matter believed in conspiracy theories, Strange Matter Coffee decided to reference a viral one, uttered by InfoWars host Alex Jones.
For context: His rant about chemicals in water supplies referenced "turning the friggin frogs gay" and it spread across the internet so much, inspiring remixes, memes and more:
On Friday, March 4th, Strange Matter Coffee shared their "Gay Frog" donut would be for sale all weekend:
Gay Frogs Donuts and Protesters Meet at Strange Matter Coffee
Now, proving that the universe has the greatest comedic timing, a mere hour after the announcement of the "Gay Frog" donuts, protesters appeared outside Strange Matter Coffee:
The protester on the right's sign reads: "Lansing State Journal reports Strange Matter Coffee used cancel culture to commit ECONOMIC TERRORISM against Lansing Brewing Company for merely renting a venue to a group Strange Matters disagrees with. Strange Matter used lies and propaganda on social media TWITTER to culture shame LOCAL BUSINESS to forgoe PROFIT and BOW TO THEIR LEFTIST LIES and demands."
Now, as an outsider who has merely been watching and reporting on this, it's objectively hilarious. If you take a step outside of it, leave political opinions out of it and just consider how we got here:
- Brewery hosting political organization, coffee shop tweets about it, people mad.
- Brewery cancels hosting event, people mad.
- People duke it out on social media for two days.
- People also now mad at coffee shop.
- Coffee shop makes "gay frog" donuts, release them Friday.
- Protesters show up on the same day.
Do with this what you will.
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