Lansing Brewing Company Backs Out of Being Venue for MAGA Mixer
"That escalated quickly" is something many of us are saying right now after news the whirlwind that was Lansing Brewing Company's social media the past few days (and let's be honest, our own).
We'll get you caught up here.

Lansing Brewing Company's Backlash for MAGA Mixer
Recently we reported that Lansing Brewing Company was the chosen venue for a "mixer" that would be occurring after a "MAGA" rally taking place on the capitol steps on March 26th.
Being in the current political climate we find ourselves in, once people found out Lansing Brewing Company was allowing this kind of political "event" to take place at the brewery, some were not happy to say the least.
Many people voiced their concerns, said they would no longer be patrons of the establishment and even other local businesses like Strange Matter Coffee got involved.
Lansing Brewing Company then proceeded to issue a statement of their own that appeared to read the event would be taking place, despite criticisms.
See Related: Upcoming MAGA Mixer at Lansing Brewing Co. Brews Up Criticism
Social media continued to not only share their opinions on the matter but fight each other over the definitions of capitalism, saying "just don't go", and so on.
Honestly, some got so cut-throat our admins had to spend the better part of the day monitoring on our pages alone so we can't imagine what LBC's social media team has been going through.
Lansing Brewing Company Cancels MAGA Mixer
Well, in less than 48 hours from sharing their initial statement of coming together as a place people can conversate over some food and brews, Lansing Brewing Company's Facebook has updated it to say the event has been cancelled:
As the update reads, the decision came after the "learning more" about the mixer.
The Lansing State Journal also reports, "Representatives for Lansing Brewing Company did not immediately respond to a request for comment."
That also came under criticism in the comments as people pointed out the intentions of the organization hosting the mixer and the information on the event's flyer were not exactly a secret.
Mi Maga Rally and Maga Mixer Responds on Facebook
While Lansing Brewing Company can expect some mixed reactions to their announcement and cancellation of their part as a venue, one group that is making their feelings known is the organization behind it all themselves.
In a post by the Mi Maga Rally and Maga Mixer Facebook page, they say they will move forward with the rally, though little, if anything, is mentioned about the mixer still being held and possibly moving to another location.
At the end of the day, people are free to share their political beliefs and others are free to choose to not support or associate with those who they disagree with. That's on America in 2022, gang.
Now onto the bigger issues, here's how to put all that political passion to use and help the people of Ukraine:
15 Ways You Can Help People in Ukraine Right Now
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