Steve Gruber, A stunning report from the United States Senate has brought into view some very questionable actions by Hunter Biden
Here are Three Big Things you need to know right now.
No surprise here. Facebook Fact checkers are dominated by left leaning individuals with cash flowing from far left organizations too, which means those being silenced by the Social Media Gurus are likely getting pinched unfairly.
In Kentucky, a Grand Jury has returned an indictment against one of three police officers involved in the shooting that left EMT Breonna Taylor dead and fueled nationwide protests from black lives matter and antifa that led to rioting, death, and destruction.
A stunning report from the United States Senate has brought into view some very questionable actions by Hunter Biden including a payment to the former Vice President's son by the former wife of the Moscow Mayor. A tidy sum of $3.5 million dollars paid in a wire transfer according to the bombshell report.
And the report also levels damning charges against former Secretary of State John Kerry for lying about what he knows about all the entanglements including Russia, Burisma in Ukraine and China too.

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