The 5 Most Common Ticks in Michigan & the Diseases They Carry
Tick season is here in Michigan, unfortunately. In case you need a reminder, here are a few things you should definitely know before heading outside to enjoy the warm(ish) weather.
Tick season is pretty long-lasting from April to September, according to battlecreekenquirer.com. Ticks survive by feeding off wildlife and occasionally humans and pets.
The most common disease associated with ticks is Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is actually a bacterium that can be transmitted by ticks found in Michigan. However, ticks generally need to be attached for 36 to 48 hours to transmit Lyme Disease. But, don't shrug it off after reading that time frame.
Small ticks, or nymphs, are small. So small, in fact, that they're usually hard to find on your body. The longer they stay attached, the greater the risk of Lyme Disease transmission.
Symptoms include:
- a rash
- swollen lymph nodes
- chills and fever
And more. Read the full list from the CDC here.

How Many Kinds of Ticks Are in Michigan?
According to Michigan.gov, there are approximately 20 different kinds of ticks in the state.
Not every tick carries Lyme Disease, though. Here are the 5 most common ticks in Michigan which do carry disease.
The 5 Most Common Ticks You'll See in Michigan & Diseases They Carry
Ticks are especially anxiety-inducing given how tiny they are. You can see comparisons next to sesame seeds here.
There are a few tips to avoid tick bites.
- If you're walking outdoors, avoid long grass and wooded areas. Stick to well-groomed trails.
- Use insect repellent
- Wear light-colored clothing to make spotting ticks easier
See a full list of tips for tick prevention here.
On a happier note, have you heard the birds in SW Michigan lately? It's a like a chorus every time I walk outdoors. Here are the birds you're probably hearing: