Michigan Governor Says; ‘Michigan Jobs First’
Did you have any idea that the State of Michigan signed 8,813 contracts totaling about $2.14 billion last year. Of those 8,813 contracts, approximately 70% were given to businesses located in Michigan leaving approximately 30% of the contacts going to out of state businesses.
Governor Whitmer would like to decrease the number of contracts going out of state and obviously bring them in state.
Governor Whitmer signed a new executive directive that she titled “Michigan Jobs First.”
Governor Whitmer stated:
"Those are contracts that could be used to grow business right here in Michigan...Our goal is to bring that number down and put Michiganders and Michigan jobs first...We’re gonna ensure that Michigan businesses are given full preference when they are entitled to such, and when we award these contracts”
That is certainly a goal we can all agree on. There is one concern someone could have with this new directive. According to Gov. Whitmer, her new directive would add factors such as labor and environmental histories, pay, benefits, and placement in economically-disadvantaged zones.
I am not really sure what she is attempting to achieve with those new factors. To me, it sounds as though she is looking for Union businesses that pay higher wages and benefits. Those higher wages and benefits would end up costing Michigan Taxpayers more money in the long run.
The goal is certainly laudable, but at what cost to the Michigan Taxpayers?