Love Coffee? Get Michigan Roasted Brands At Meijer
Made in Michigan is a badge of honor here.

Roasting IS a Michigan thang. No, really.
Roasted in Michigan could mean several things. For this instance, we're talking about coffee beans.
Exactly how many Michigan Coffee Roasters are there? You'd be surprised as the Mitten State is practically brimming with them (see what we did there).
There's even a Michigan Coffee Roaster Directory at MiCoffee.org.
There's a decent-sized list of Michigan Roasters as well at coffeebeaned.com.
If you don't have time to make it around the state, there are a fair amount of local coffee shops around the area.
We've talked about our favorite people at Biggby.
Dear Baristas of Biggby on Jolly Road:
Thank you (for being a friend...ok I'll stop).
Seriously. Ladies, you make my day each and every day. Whether I am stopping by myself (rollin' solo) after work, before church, on the way to do whatever task I have to do.
Read More: Open Letter: Thanks To The Super Nice Ladies At Biggby on Jolly
My new obsession with Blue Owl Coffee.
Support a great local business. See and feel what I'm talking about when you walk in there. I've been a couple of times on a weekday afternoon and it was amazing. I can only imagine what an early weekend morning in here is like. On my next day off, I'm thinking about grabbing a book and a cup of Loco Cocoa at Blue Owl in Reo Town.
Read More: Blue Owl Coffee In Reo Town Serves The Best Vibes
Or you can stop by your local Meijer and grab a bag of roasted coffee from a local roaster.
We've assembled a gallery of some of the ones you can find at Meijer. Take a look and next time you're there, grab a bag and enjoy locally roasted coffee.
Love Coffee? Get Michigan Roasted Brands At Meijer
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