Jerry Wayne, American Voter that Joe Biden Cursed Out. America Can Do Better.
Back in March Voter, Gun Owner, and Michigan Union Worker, Jerry Wayne had his moment in the sun with the Left's Presidential candidate Joe Biden... and let's just say...things didn't go well for Joe.
Not only did Biden tell Jerry he was "Full of Shit" but he also threatened him, shushed his female campaign handler when she tried to step in seeing Biden going off the rails, and then made the gaffe of all gaffe's by calling AR-15's... "AR-14's."
Needless to say... This moment went viral. And since then Jerry has been trying to warn Americans about the Democrats choice this election.
Listen to our interview this morning to hear Jerry's take on the Biden's DNC Speech, the convention, and the upcoming RNC.
You can also catch us Live Monday through Friday from 6am to 9am Eastern or visit our website at www.stevegruber.com.

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