An Open Letter About A Covid-19 Thanksgiving
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. It will not be like any Thanksgiving I have ever experienced. It will be the same for you, as none of us have ever gone through a pandemic before. It will not be a house full of family as it has been for many years. If you are following the advice of the medical experts, you have simplified your Thanksgiving to just those living in your home. All though watching the news and seeing the airports packed, there will be many who do what they want and disregard the health of others. It is America, the land of Freedom of choice, the country where you can do what you want to do. And many are of the opinion that their freedom is being challenged right now. And they would be right, it is. But for good reason, we are fighting an invisible monster that can kill us. If we do not flatten the curve again, many more will die. Life is certainly not being fair right now to those who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19, and the many who are now struggling to keep a roof over their head, and even wondering where their next meal will come from. And Christmas is just around the corner.
I have always been a glass half full kind of guy; I stay positive and always help others when I can. But I must be honest, even my state of mind is being challenged, little social interaction, no events to go to, hiding from crowds, staying home other than that occasional run to Kroger. I know a lot of people are questioning what there is to be Thankful for this year. Thanksgiving is a time when we join with family and give thanks for our many blessings. We are all fighting for our lives right now, we may feel there has not been a lot of good this year. I am still thankful, and thankful for many things. My best friend that is my wife, my ability to get on the radio and inform and entertain, my family who I dearly love, the essential workers and nurses and doctors that protect and keep us alive and fed, and even the pharmaceutical companies that have created a vaccine to stop this virus. Even during the worst of times if you take a little time to sit back and think, you can find things to be thankful for. So even with all the craziness in our lives right now with Covid-19 and politics, and life in general, take a deep breath, and think about what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving.