19th Annual Ele’s Race July 23 at Jackson National Life in Okemos
It's that time once again to lace up your running and walking shoes and join me at the 19th annual Ele's Race, taking place on Saturday, July 23, at Jackson National Life Insurance Company in Okemos.
All the fun starts at 8 a.m. with the help of Playmakers in Okemos who primarily sets up the race and provides music for everyone involved.
Ele's Place is a healing center for grieving children, teens, young adults, and their families. It's a wonderful organization that was founded back in 1991.
Who is Ele? Let's take a look at the history behind Ele's Place, courtesy of ele'splace.org:
Ele’s Place Capital Region was founded in 1991 by a group of mental health professionals, community volunteers, Junior League members, and grieving parents, Betsy and Woody Stover. Ele’s Place is named in honor of Ele Stover who died in 1989 at the age of 11 months. “ELE” also represents the organizations philosophy of Embracing Loss Effectively. Ele’s Place filled a tremendous need in the community and we are grateful to have served over 31,000 individuals over the last 30 years. We will continue working to ensure no child in Michigan grieves alone.
Ele's Race 5K run/walk is a very family friendly event that also includes a kids mile, kids dash, entertainment, prizes and more.
You can register solo, or as a team and help support Ele's Place. Proceeds provide grief support service at no cost to families.
If you're ready for some fun on Saturday, July 23, please join us at Jackson National Life Insurance Company in Okemos. You can register and get more information at elesrace5kdotorg.
Please call Ele's Place-Capital Region at (517) 482-1315 to learn more about their no-cost support programs.