A friend of Teleka Patrick says his last conversation with the medical student from Kalamazoo indicated she was afraid that someone was going to try to kill her.  That call, according to James Davis, was the last before the woman went missing the following day.

Mlive.com is reporting the St. Louis, Missouri man said Patrick, who hasn't been seen since December 5th, was clearly frightened.  "She just said, James, listen to me, please."  He said he could sense something different in her voice but wasn't sure what--at least not then.  "She just kept saying, James, you're not taking me seriously."

The report also indicates that Patrick asked Davis to come to see her in  Kalamazoo immediately but he said he couldn't be there until December 10th.  The woman went missing shortly afterward.  Her vehicle was found in a ditch in Indiana, about a hundred miles from where she was in her first year of residency in psychiatry at Western Michigan University's School of Medicine.  Her personal belongings were still inside

Davis said Patrick was afraid of well-known gospel sinnger Marvin Sapp who had taken out a restraining order against her and that she felt he was going to send someone to do her harm.   "She kept saying they're going to try to kill me,"  Davis told police.

Sapp,  has said Patrick stalked him and referred to him as her husband.  He said the two had no such relationship.  He has, though, been unavailable for reaction to Davis' claims that Patrick was afraid of him.


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