Sanders headlined the rally in New Hampshire and declared it was time for college to be ‘affordable’ for all; which really means they want anyone who has worked hard and gotten a good job that makes good money should be paying for their neighbors kids to go to college.

Hillary Clinton then climbed to the podium and declared that anyone who comes from a home making $125,000 or less should go to college tuition free. That means that 83% of Americans would be attending school at no charge to get important degrees in gender studies, climate change and social justice.

Of course there was no discussion on how it would actually get paid for except for the same old tired refrain of ‘raise taxes on the wealthy’ that can most afford it. Every time you hear Hillary Clinton declare we must get the rich to pay ‘their fair share’ hang on to your wallet.

I always wonder what is my neighbors ‘fair share’ of my paycheck. What do you think it is?

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