You Could Get Credit Back For Losing Power Last Week
Did you lose power in last week's storms? You could see some credit back from it all.
Thousands across the state experienced a lack of power at some point. From local residential homes to even fast-food restaurants and more. As of 8 am on Monday, an additional 67,000 Consumer Energy as well as DTE customers, still didn't have power.
If you happen to be one of those individuals, you might be entitled to a $25 credit.
With last week's storms, and the length of which the power had been out, most customers of both DTE and Consumers Energy qualified for "catastrophic conditions." According to Matt Helms, an officer at MPSC.
Customers need to have been without power for over 120 hours to qualify for the credit, as utility companies generally have the time in which to restore power to customers.
If there is a non-catastrophic incident, you can get credit in up to 16 hours.
This isn't something that just shows up in the mail. Customers of both DTE Energy and Consumers Energy need to fill out forms to apply for the credit.
Dana Nessel, Michigans Attorney General, is however asking utility companies to voluntarily hand out credits to those who have been suffering or dealing with the outage.