Take A Look Inside This Michigan Mansion Right On This Lake
I'm a sucker for a good old lake view, and there is no lack of possibilities for them here in the state of Michigan.
This Michigan mansion, however, has a view of a nice pool, and Lake Michigan.
Room For You & The Relatives - Plus To Die For Views
There are a total of nine rooms in the home with seven bathrooms. That's a ton of space to spread out, and yet get a view of good old Lake Michigan.
The home has such a high quality of craftsmanship, you're sure to fall in love with the modern era home. The home has a type of castle look to it.
Take a look at this Michigan mansion, currently on the market for $5 Million.
Take A Look Inside This Michigan Mansion Right On This Lake
Are you a true Michigander if you don't have the desire to live in a Michigan lake house?
Take A Look Into This Michigan Detroit Castle
It may need some minor fixes, the carpet has got to go, but take a look into this historic Detroit Castle.