Steve Gruber, Rioting in the streets of American cities—has stirred people to say no more
The Big 3 THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020—
Hour 1—
Live from The No Panic Zone—NO RIOT ZONE—
I’m Steve Gruber—God Bless America—This is the Steve Gruber Show— THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020—
Here are Three Big Things you need to know right now—
Three— Former President Barack Obama—has returned to address the country in the shadow of ongoing riots and destruction in the nations cities—just think if he had bothered to do that while in office— just another bid to stay relevant—
Two— On Capital Hill former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threw the former Deputy Director of the FBI—under the bus—pulled him back out—threw him under again—and ron over him a couple of times—just for fun—
One— Rioting in the streets of American cities—has stirred people to say no more—it has stirred people to say—stop burning down your own neighborhoods—this doesn’t honor George Floyd—in fact it is disgraceful on every level—and watching police officers get shot and killed—is pushing us to a level of depravity we have not witnessed in a very long time—
Hour 2— THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020—
Live from The No Panic Zone— ALSO—THE NO ANTIFA ZONE— I’m Steve Gruber—God Bless America—This is the Steve Gruber Show— Hour Number Two—for THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020—
Here are Three Big Things you need to know right now—
Three— If your car is destroyed by looters—if its burned and spray painted—is that covered by insurance? What if your car is rolled over and destroyed—are the good hands people there to help or do they run away—well that depends—
Two— Defense Secretary Mark Esper says he doesn’t support invoking the Insurrection Act—and honestly right now neither do I—however if Antifa is not brought under control and the attacks on police officers and communities continue—I may change my mind—
One— The destruction from riots and violence triggered by the death of George Floyd—is in the billions of dollars—the police officer who put his knee on Floyds neck for nearly 10 minutes has now been charged with 2nd Degree murder—3 more officers have been charged with being accessories—
Remember Remember the 3rd of November!
Hour 3— THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020—
Here we go— Live from The No Panic Zone— I’m Steve Gruber—God Bless America—This is the Steve Gruber Show— THURSDAY JUNE 4TH 2020——NOT LIVE IN FEAR—EVEN IF YOU DO— ITS MY CHOICE—GOT IT