Michigan’s Coronavirus Website Has a New Feature
If you didn't already know, the state of Michigan has a special coronavirus website that includes all sorts of information about COVID-19. The website includes the latest numbers of people who have confirmed cases, the number of people who have passed away from the virus, the number of people who have recovered and more. The website also has information about how you can apply for health insurance, how you can apply for unemployment assistance, where you can find a local school meal pickup site near you, how to get business assistance, how you can find a job and more.
On the special website, there is also now a chat function that will help you to get immediate answers from a virtual assistant regarding several topics. That chat function will allow you to ask questions about COVID-19 testing, unemployment and employee rights. Once you go to the website, the chat function will pop up in the lower right hand corner. Click here to find out more. You can also call the COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136 which is opens seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
MORE: Local Signs of Covid-19 (Lansing, East Lansing, Holt)