When it comes to spring in Michigan, there are certain things that seem inevitable. Rain, road construction, and intrusive bird nests seem to pop up in the blink of an eye.

The nests seem to pop up overnight and in some of the most inopportune places.

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But one of the worst places our little feathered friends like to occupy is that spot above your porch light, right outside one of the most used doors in the house.

Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva
Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva

When Birds Nest by Your Entry Door What Should You Do? 

According to Birds & Blooms, if there is any way possible, be as hospitable as you can. Also, if at all possible, find another way into the home. This may pose a slight inconvenience but always keep in mind that, even with babies, these visitors will only be around for a handful of weeks. Plus, this will give you a front-row seat to one of nature's most amazing cycles of life.

I mean, who wouldn't enjoy being able to watch something like this for a few weeks in the spring?

Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva
Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva
Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva
Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva

Can You Move a Bird Nest to a Different Location

Most birds and their nests are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which states that it is illegal to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, or barter any part of a nest or eggs unless you hold a valid permit.

Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva
Credit: Duffy Connolly via Canva

So, the next time you see something like this at your home, remember that it will be short-lived. But, if something must be done about it due to its intrusive nature, please don't take the project on yourself. Contact your local wildlife agency to ask for assistance.

Listen Up! 10 Birds You're Hearing in Spring in Michigan

Michigan has a ton of birds living in the state. Here are at least 10 that you might be hearing during Michigan's Spring.

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