Grover Norquist, How To Destroy Entrepreneurship
A lot of people earn a nice living as 1099 professionals - freelancers, independent contractors, gig economy types, part-timers and other entrepreneurs whose income is reported on IRS Form 1099 instead of the standard W-2 Wage and Tax Statement most people get from their boss.
These 1099 professionals like the independence and flexibility of working in their chosen field on their own terms. In California, liberals don't want people to have that freedom so they passed a law to almost entirely eliminate it. Assembly Bill 5 went into effect on January 1 and it's been a disaster. Now, Joe Biden wants to do the same thing to the entire nation.
Listen to our conversation this morning to find out more. You can also catch us Live Monday through Friday from 6am to 9am Eastern or visit our website at
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