City Of Clare Issues Warning After Finding Lead In Water
This Mid-Michigan city is warning their residents to use precaution after their tests found high levels of lead in the water. Clare is yet another Michigan city that may be without clean water.
On Thursday, September 26th, the city made public that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy alerted officials that not one, but two of their service lines head tested above "action level" for lead in water.
Clare does want to make it clear though, the lead is not in their water mains. Clare is telling residents to use caution though while using the water, a few of the precautions are to let the water run for a bit before using it. Water Filters were distributed on Friday.
Michigan cracked down on our water rules, after the Flint crisis, which is still going on, where their city water was lead tainted.
You can read more about the story in the Detroit Free Press.
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