Check Out This Northern Michigan Mansion With 10 Bathrooms
We all love a northern Michigan Mansion, with a ton of bathrooms, right?
First of all, you need tons of room to spread out and enjoy yourselves, but you also have multiple bathrooms, because who wouldn't love using a different bathroom every day.
You May Need To Afford A Cleaning Staff Too
Look, I don't know about you, but I have trouble just cleaning one bathroom. Given the opportunity for ten, we might have a problem.
With six-bedroom and ten bathrooms, you'll have some room to move around.
The home is only in the market for $2,400,000, which is pricey, but not the worst if we are talking about mansions here.
Take a look around, and let us know what you think about the mansion in the station app, just click on the chat feature.
Check Out This Northern Michigan Mansion With 10 Bathrooms
We all love good Michigan mansions, with tons of places to tinkle, correct.
Take A Look Into This Frank Lloyd Inspired Home In Detroit
To those who are fans of architecture, this house might just do something for you.
The Five Biggest Snowfalls in Lansing History
If you thought winter was bad this year here in Michigan, wait until you relive these past Michigan winters. Here are the top 5 biggest snowfalls in Lansing history.