2020 Ingham County Ballot Proposals
Election day is rapidly approaching, and here are some of the things that are on the 2020 ballot for Ingham County.
The official day to make your vote count is March 10th.
- Potter Park Zoo is asking for a millage increase by .5 mills for the next 6 years.
- The Ingham County Trails and Parks has a millage renewal, asking voters for a millage renewal by .5 mills for 5 years, to help maintain the parks and trails
- The Ingham County Health Services Millage will be asking for a .64 mills increase for 4 years.
- A proposal was made in East Lansing to sell parking lot #4, which is located at Abbot Rd. and Albert Ave. They will be selling it to MSUFCU for construction.
- Williamston Township has a road improvement bond on the ballot. It will levie 2.97 mills for 10 years to help pay for improvements and reconstruction.
- The Ingham County Schools are asking for an increased millage of .2438 mills for the next 20 years for their Special Ed Programs.
- CATA is asking for voters to approve a 3.007 mills for 5 years, for the Capital Area Transportation Authority operations.
More information on the Ingham County proposals can be found here.
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