We all know that Smith, Johnson, Jones, Davis, and Anderson are the most common last names in Michigan, but is yours one of the 10 least common?

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A Newborn Doesn't Have A Say In Their Last Name

Mothers hand comforting new born baby boy sleeping.

When you're a baby, you have no say in what your last name will be. When the baby becomes a child that can speak, they are taught what their last name is and that is pretty much it.

A Bride Has An Option For Their Last Name

Midsection of bride holding bouquet over gray background


If you are a female and get married you at least have an option in case you don't like your groom's last name. You can be traditional and just take it or you can opt-out if you like and stick with your birth name. Another option is if your husband-to-be has a crappy last name he can take your last name.

When You're A Legal Adult You Can Change Your Name

Richard E. Aaron/Redferns/Getty Images
Richard E. Aaron/Redferns/Getty Images


If you really don't like your last or first name, you can go the Prince route and legally change your name. Prince did it a couple of times. When you become 18 years of age in Michigan, you can legally change your name. Here is a link to change your name if you are thinking about it.

10 Least Common Last Names In Michigan


According to "American Surnames" below are the 10 least common last names in Michigan:

  1. Fair
  2. Burr
  3. Rouse
  4. Orlando
  5. Maier
  6. Knowles
  7. Dietz
  8. Albrecht
  9. Pena
  10. Kauffman

Most Popular Michigan Baby Names by Year From 1980-2021

Check out the top male and female baby names from 1980-2021 in Michigan.

Town Names in Michigan That Will Make a Teenage Boy Giggle and an Old Lady Blush

OK, just for fun (and because we all have a little bit of a dirty mind) let's take a look at 12 cities and towns in Michigan that have (somewhat) dirty names.

If you don't understand why any of these towns made our list, maybe there's hope for you after all.

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