Where Do You Go To Sign Up For The Vaccine In Michigan?
You get a shot.
And you get a shot.
Everyone gets a shot.
This change starts Monday, March 22nd and then the floodgates for the vaccine for everyone opens up on April 5th.
Beginning Monday, March 22, Michigan residents ages 16 years and up with high risk medical conditions or disabilities and people 50 years and older regardless of their health become eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
On Monday, April 5, the vaccine pool opens up further to previously ineligible people ages 16 years and older. However, demand for the vaccine may outpace supply for several weeks. State officials urge patience in booking appointments. (Detroit Eater)
That part about demand outpacing supply just jumps out at you doesn't it. Patience is key but I would suggest you get signed up NOW.
But where do you go to get signed up? You local health department? You local pharmacy? Online vaccine overflow sites?
Let us point you in the right direction.
Start HERE first.
To make an appointment to receive your vaccine, do not call the health department but go to Michigan.gov/COVIDvaccine to schedule an appointment to receive the vaccine. (Michigan.gov)
That will guide you to the corresponding health department in your county. Simple and easy sign up and they will email you when it's time to come get your shot.
Personally speaking, that's how I got my appointment and shot already.
Now if you want to try your local pharmacy, that's up to you. And their sign up procedure might be a little more involved.
Meijer: Complete the registration online (only complete registration one time, and at one location), you can sign up for text updates, or call you local Meijer pharmacy. (Meijer)
Walgreens: you have to use your account or sign up for one to complete the eligibility screening.
Rite Aid: Go directly to the Michigan eligibility form HERE.
CVS: I'll save you the click. Michigan is listed as an unavailable location. (BTW, Target is partnering with CVS)
Walmart: About a half-dozen (6) Walmart stores in Michigan are now offering COVID-19 vaccine appointments. The closest one for us is in Jackson. (Freep)
I would suggest you start at the Michigan.gov link and get ready to be patient. After this coming Monday unless you're in a higher risk group, you're going to be on that long list.
Patience is a virtue.
And you're going to get your shot.
It just might be a minute.
If you want to try the longshot method and catch an unused vaccine, there's this.
Leftovers happen. People miss their appointments. Vials come with extra doses. Any thawed vials must be used within 6 hours, or they get thrown out.
Looking to get vaccinated but can’t get an appointment? Join the standby list to get connected with local providers with extra doses. (hidrb)
Read More: Would You Get Your Covid Vaccine Shot At Dollar General?
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.