I find it very interesting that during the time of a pandemic the Governor of Michigan was extremely busy raising funds for herself to the tune of $5.58 million.  To put that in context Michigan’s last Governor, Rick Snyder, had only raised $950,381 at this point in time.  Including a mere $828,041 in cash on hand when compared to Whitmer’s $3.5 million dollars.

How did Snyder only raise $950,381 dollars in the same timeframe without having to deal with shutting down most of the state, throwing millions of Michigander’s onto the unemployment line and ruining the educations and experiences of K – 12 and college students with absolutely no science to back her up?

Somebody better start to audit all of those federal Covid-19 relief money that has been flying around the state with what appears to be not much control.  Accountants call all of that borrowed money “Helicopter Cash” that is just dropped from the sky.  Have some of those billions ended up at companies that then donated to Whitmer last year?

MLive and all other “news” papers and sites are reporting about these figures pointing to a campaign finance report.  A campaign finance report that all of these “great” newspapers are reporting about but none are actually linking to it.  I am trying my best to find this elusive “campaign finance report” they talk about.

The executive director of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, Simon Schuster is quoted saying:

“It’s very large, and it can go a long way. I think that this is an unprecedented amount of fundraising for this point in her term”

Yes, it is Simon, yes it is. The question is where it is all coming from, did they receive any money from the Whitmer administration from either state or federal sources or will they receive any funds in the upcoming future?  I assume at some point we will see this elusive creature they call the “campaign finance report”.

So many people actually believed she was spending all of her time working diligently for the people of Michigan navigating our way through this pandemic, instead of navigating her way from one private fundraising event to another.

Given her record-smashing fundraising numbers, it appears if she was not issuing executive orders to continue her unconstitutional tyrannical control over the state she was busy fundraising for herself.


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