These Are The Worst Roads In Lansing
As a Michigander, driving is just a thing we all have to do and endure together. But let's be real here! There are some roads here in Lansing that are worse than others!
Let's take a second to sit back and chat about those roadways here in the capital city!
These Are The WORST Roads In Lansing To Drive On
Some people genuinely find pleausre in driving around. To be honest, depending on the day, I could see the appeal. But let's be real here! Some roads just make you want to rip your hair out.
Drivers... roads... road closures. All enough to turn around and say nope first thing in the morning.
4.) Cedar Street In Lansing
If you're in Lansing, you probably have to plan your route out during prime driving hours. This is one of those roads you need to plan around!
If you don't, you might find yourself stuck in some bumper-to-bumper traffic.
3.) Saginaw Highway In Lansing
Yet another bumper-to-bumper situation. Let's be real too, that quick stop at Starbucks is a must... maybe we need to take another route in the morning?
2.) Jolly Road in Lansing
As someone who works on Jolly Road, I can tell you we have at least five accidents a month on the stretch of road.
Being a main source between certain businesses, the bumper-to-bumper thing makes sense for Jolly Road.
1.) I-496 In Lansing
If you're looking to avoid traffic, you're not on the right road, at all.
During drive time hours, you're going to be pulling your hair out, wondering what taking the other road would've gotten you.