These Are The 20 Worst Places to Live in Michigan
As a Michigander, I can't say I hate the state too much. I am a fan of all our seasons, no matter how warm or cold they may get. It's just a Michigan thing.
Some places in Michigan are better than others, but that also bodes the question. Which area is the worst to live in Michigan?
We compiled a list below, of the twenty worst places in Michigan. Crime rates, property theft as well as unemployment all play into where each of these Michigan cities ranks on this list.
Take a look and see if your town made it on the list or not.
The 20 Worst Places to Live in Michigan
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Open our app and let us know what you thought of the rankings. These rankings, were not done by us, however, so it wasn't anything personal either.
Unfortunately, those who are in Mid-Michigan seemed to have gotten hit, but it also looks like lower Michigan seems to be the problem here, not our upper Michigan neighbors.