The Target Selective Covid-19 Virus
I had no idea how target selective this Covid-19 virus could be. Michigan's Governor Whitmer had told us that if you were to go down certain aisles in stores larger than 50,000 square feet you could contract the virus. In April of this year, Forbes magazine wrote:
“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered all stores larger than 50,000-square feet to cordon off their garden centers and plant nurseries, blocking customers from shopping in those sections”
Then we found out that you could not contract the virus if you are protesting against white people, Republicans, President Trump, racism, etc. which is odd because they were protesting against white people as they were protesting against racism so, in fact, they were protesting against white people and themselves for protesting against white people. I just became very confused trying to figure these people out, I believe these state governments should give me hazard pay for attempting to figure out their insanity.
In fact, Michigan Governor Whitmer herself attended a jam-packed body to body protest against white people, racism, President Trump and all Republicans by joining a George Floyd rally in Highland Park on June 4th. There she stood and kneeled shoulder to shoulder with people, some wearing masks others not.
Although we did learn you could catch the virus if you were the press and attended a Whitmer press conference. That is why she banned the press from her press conference.
We learned that you could contract the Covid-19 virus if you attended a funeral for a loved one but not if you attended a funeral where hundreds if not thousands attend a funeral for a beloved Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Communist. New York told us that you could contract the virus if you attend the funeral of a beloved Jewish Rabbi but not if the Jewish Rabbi was a beloved Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Communist.
We then learned that you could contract the virus if you attended church or school but not the grocery store.
We then learned that you could contract the virus if you were to vote in person but not if you attended at a grocery store, protested against white people, Republicans, President Trump, racism and etc.
We now have learned that you cannot contract the virus if you are at a restaurant, bar or gym before 10:00 pm but you could contract the virus if you are at a restaurant, bar or gym after 10:00 pm.
Are we all straight now on what the Magic Eight Balls are telling these Governors?