The Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Michigan Expo Postponed
According to the Lansing Entertainment and Public Facilities Authority's Facebook page, The Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Michigan Expo that was to take place this weekend has been postponed.
This from LEPFA's Facebook page:
As a result of growing concerns over Covid19 Governor Whitmer issued an Executive Order mandating that all events over 250 people be temporarily banned effective 3/13 as of 5:00PM. Based on this mandate, the event organizers are postponing the Outdoor Life / Field & Stream Michigan Expo and will not be holding the event on March 13-15, 2020. They are actively seeking solutions for the postponement of their Outdoor Life / Field & Stream Michigan Expo in order to deliver the event while protecting health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors and staff.
They have been working diligently with the City of Lansing to identify alternative dates and will continue to communicate with all attendees and exhibitors as they decide on how to move forward. Outdoor Life / Field & Stream Expo Series appreciates your patience and support as they work through this unprecedented situation.
Get more information here from the LEPFA Facebook page.