How Much Money Do You Need to Be Part of Michigan's Middle Class?How Much Money Do You Need to Be Part of Michigan's Middle Class?With inflation on the rise and the cost of living going up, how much does one need to make in order to be considered "middle-class" in Michigan?Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Michigan: Birthplace of the 5-Day Work WeekMichigan: Birthplace of the 5-Day Work WeekBack when it first started in Michigan, the 5-day work week was actually an improvement.JRJR
Four Day Work Week Being Introduced In Meridian TownshipFour Day Work Week Being Introduced In Meridian TownshipCould you imagine a four-day workweek, instead of a five-day workweek? Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
Job Fair Alert: This Weekend in HoltJob Fair Alert: This Weekend in HoltThere aren't many places hiring but this Holt company is looking to hire dozens of people this weekend. MaxMax