What's Paperclipping and Why's It So Popular in the Dating World?What's Paperclipping and Why's It So Popular in the Dating World?Don't be this person. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
You're Using the Word 'Weird' All Wrong and Don't Even Realize ItYou're Using the Word 'Weird' All Wrong and Don't Even Realize It"Weird" hasn't always been so weird. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Lake Superior State Wants You to Stop Saying This in 2023 Lake Superior State Wants You to Stop Saying This in 2023If the powers that be at Lake Superior State University have their way you will never utter these words and phrases again.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Michigan Parents Be Aware That The CDC Downgraded Childhood Development Guidelines, Speech Therapists Are Very ConcernedMichigan Parents Be Aware That The CDC Downgraded Childhood Development Guidelines, Speech Therapists Are Very ConcernedA very curious time to downgrade that child milestone!RenkRenk
30 Five-Letter Words You Could Play a Michigan Version of Wordle With30 Five-Letter Words You Could Play a Michigan Version of Wordle WithWith other versions of the worldwide craze that is Wordle going around, let's make "Michigordle" a thing using five-letter Michigan words. Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
What Made the List? LSSU and Their Banished Words for the YearWhat Made the List? LSSU and Their Banished Words for the YearWAIT, WHAT? Let's take a DEEP DIVE and CIRCLE BACK to these words and phrases we should leave in 2021.LargeLarge
The 2020 List Of Banned PhrasesThe 2020 List Of Banned PhrasesSo, officially, after this year, I don't want to hear any of this being said.Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
Michigan Was Looking Up This Word During the PandemicMichigan Was Looking Up This Word During the PandemicYeah, I actually remember looking this word up.Banana DonBanana Don