What’s Long, Boring and Something You Can Only Do Once in Michigan?What’s Long, Boring and Something You Can Only Do Once in Michigan?Hint: the best way to avoid doing it is to obey Michigan traffic laws. Otherwise, you get a lovely letter from our friends at the capital building in Lansing.Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Cracked Windshields and Stuff On Rearview Mirrors In MichiganCracked Windshields and Stuff On Rearview Mirrors In MichiganCracked and chipped windshields aren't illegal but be careful hanging stuff off your rearview mirror. That could get you pulled over. LargeLarge
New Email Scam: No, You Didn’t Get a Speeding Ticket In Another StateNew Email Scam: No, You Didn’t Get a Speeding Ticket In Another StateThese scams are becoming more and more elaborate...and more believable. AJAJ
Check Your License Plate So You Don’t Get TicketedCheck Your License Plate So You Don’t Get TicketedIt's a new year and that means that you will need get your new registration sticker for your car.MaxMax
Michigan, It Was Declared Unconstitutional For A City to Chalk Your TireMichigan, It Was Declared Unconstitutional For A City to Chalk Your TireRenk: Now what will these cities do since...RenkRenk