BEWARE-Dangerous Viral Disease Now Confirmed In More MI CountiesBEWARE-Dangerous Viral Disease Now Confirmed In More MI CountiesThere is one concerning viral disease now being detected in more Michigan counties that could cause serious illness or death to people and pets. Jess PoxsonJess Poxson
Officials Warn Deadly Virus Confirmed In Several Michigan CountiesOfficials Warn Deadly Virus Confirmed In Several Michigan CountiesOfficials warn to be aware of a dangerous viral disease as it has recently been confirmed in several Michigan counties.Jess PoxsonJess Poxson
Look Out! Rabid Bats Are on the Move in MichiganLook Out! Rabid Bats Are on the Move in MichiganDozens of bats have tested positive for rabies across Michigan this year - many of them concentrated in one general region.JRJR
First Rabid Dog in 10 Years Detected in MichiganFirst Rabid Dog in 10 Years Detected in MichiganThe 6 month old puppy is the first in Michigan since 2011 to test positive for rabies.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Skunk Carcass Tests Positive For Rabies In Southeast MichiganSkunk Carcass Tests Positive For Rabies In Southeast MichiganAccording to Oakland County health officials, the carcass of a sunk found in Southfield Michigan tested positive for rabies. Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg