Did you know the North American River Otter actually lives and thrives in areas of Michigan? Here's everything you need to know about these swift, sleek cuties.
While opossums may seem like pests, they actually struggle for survival in the winter. It may be easy to say "who cares?" but these critters are pretty special.
As winter approaches, you may have some leftover fruit (pumpkins, perhaps?) you would like to leave for the animals. Here's everything you need to know before you do.
I saw some baneberries on Facebook. They're the most interesting-looking berries. They look like marshmallow popsicles. And they're known as 'doll eyes". But more like Chuckie's doll eyes in the Child's Play movies. And, yes, they can kill you.
Turns out, fall is the best time for spotting full-grown mantids and the fact there are only two different species here in Michigan should help identify them!