
Steve Gruber, Big Gretch— is spending her time making tee-shirts and disregarding the facts
Steve Gruber, Big Gretch— is spending her time making tee-shirts and disregarding the facts
Steve Gruber, Big Gretch— is spending her time making tee-shirts and disregarding the facts
Big Gretch— is spending her time making tee-shirts and disregarding the facts—that we reached the peak of the pandemic weeks ago—she is clutching to power—and goaded on by her radical Attorney General—the two are teaming up—selectively going after some businesses and leaving others to go forward—
Steve Gruber,  America—is rising up again—following the lead of states like Georgia and Florida
Steve Gruber, America—is rising up again—following the lead of states like Georgia and Florida
Steve Gruber, America—is rising up again—following the lead of states like Georgia and Florida
America—is rising up again—following the lead of states like Georgia and Florida—people are seeing through the aforementioned Fog of Fear—and people are going back to work—and despite the dire warnings—the cases continue to drop in Georgia and Florida— so living in a free state—is very lucky indeed!