While it can be exciting and a little scary, you first need to figure out if your child is at the right age to even stay home without adult supervision.
Nearly 25 children have gone missing in Michigan this year. Take a look at these children to see if they look familiar, so we can get them back home with their families.
Considering we, as humans & parents care deeply about the health of our children -- how have we allowed only one or two companies to safely produce baby food/formula for our children?
The Michigan Attorney General's office announced on Friday that they would be joining Attorneys General across the country in an investigation on whether or not Instagram illegally targeted children.
With the kids going back to school, daycare, preschool, etc. they are bringing more crud home with them. Now, RSV is one of those nasty bugs sweeping the state.
Finding the right childcare and the best foundation for their education can be a challenge, now Lansing School District has a program to make it a lot easier.