The smart people have been predicting this for months.  Joe Biden is seated as President and Governor Whitmer and other liberal Governors start to allow businesses to open.

If this does not make more people angry at the Democratic Party including those who voted for them then nothing will.  Is it just a coincidence that days after Biden is seated Whitmer allows more businesses and the people who work there to make a living?  A living she has refused them as she and all government employees collected their taxpayer checks.

Last Friday Whitmer announced new executive orders that she issues through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services that will allow all restaurants and bars to open indoor dining at 25% capacity on February 1st.  The rules that she has laid out are the following:

  • They can only serve up to 100 people
  • they must close by 10 p.m. each night. 
  • Tables must also be six feet apart with no more than six people per table.
Courtesy of MDHHS
Courtesy of MDHHS
Courtesy of MDHHS
Courtesy of MDHHS

It appears that completely out of left field Whitmer has decided that the science on Covid-19 has been settled when she stated at her press conference:

"The science around this virus is settled, and if we can all wear masks and be very smart about congregating, and not do it unless it's necessary, washing our hands, doing that social distancing, we will be in a strong position in a few weeks" 

Also, believe it or not, there are more businesses that will be allowed to open.  She went on to say:

"And we'll be able to do more. That's the hope...But the reality of this moment is that wearing masks and being smart is going to have to be how we operate for quite a while."

For instance, she stated that under her new order she will actually allow adults to gather at non-residential gatherings of up to 10 people from two households.  How nice of her to allow that.

Also here is where it starts to be immersed in the sickening goo of hypocrisy.  According to her new order:

Outdoor gatherings are permitted only as follows:

  1. At residential venues, 25 or fewer persons are gathered, comprised of no more than 3 households;

  2. At non-residential venues:

    • 25 or fewer persons are gathered at a venue without fixed seating, and attendance is limited to 20 persons per 1,000 square feet, including within any distinct area within the event space; or

    • 25 or fewer persons are gathered at a venue with fixed seating, and attendance is limited to 20% of seating capacity of the venue.

This coming from a person who I just reported last week who attended the invite-only Joe Biden inauguration in Washington D.C.  According to South Carolina Democrat Congressman James Clyburn, co-chair of the Biden Inaugural Committee estimated there to be “a couple of thousand” of people in attendance.  

How do all of you who believed in Whitmer feel now that we find out that Whitmer was using people’s lives as pawns in her game to attempt to get Biden seated as President?  Think of all of those people’s lives and dreams she crushed for what now is blatantly clear to be, at least in some part, her own selfish wants and needs.

Will you continue to support her and her Party?

See Striking Photos of the Tourism Industry During COVID-19



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